Wednesday and Thursday we spent by ourselves in Big Lake. Laundry, cleaning, organizing, and a little shopping, and a hike to a cache, were the events of the day. The Big event was the last of my kids entering the teens. Kamryn turned 13. How did the time pass so quickly?
On Wednesday after spending the day at the house, doing what needed to be done, I was ready to get out of the house! I forced the kids to come along, and after doing a little shopping in Wasilla, we made a stop to look for a cache a geocacher in Alaska had recommended. The area the cache is located in is call the Palmer Hay flats. Interesting area surrounded by mountains, and hills, a refuge for birds, ducks, and wildlife, though we only saw some sandhill cranes, and heard some geese. The cache was located up the hill I took this photo from. The kids after seeing the terrain, perked up about being out. There were lots of trees around and a creek we could hear ahead of us, so I had to hurry to keep up with them.
This is the creek we discovered after we found the first cache, and then I saw there was another cache, but on the other side of this creek, sooo...
we found this way to get across. I noticed Ryan taking a moment to see what was around him, while Ian is always on the move.
Unfortunately I did not find the second cache, my phone was all over the place. Well, that does make for a good excuse to come back again with the GPS and hike around again, we can even bring John back with us. So that makes that a good DNF!
Thursday was Kamryn's birthday!
Since I didn't have any wrapping paper, I recycled the Easter basket into a birthday gift bag. She received cards from John and me, and also from our dog Sugar. Though it was the makeup she went for first. It was her choice of what to do for the day, so of course a trip to Target was first on the list. She spent some of the money she got from her brothers on more makeup stuff. Then a trip to Fred Meyers (a cross between World Market, Fresh Market, Walmart, and Publix, a great store!) to see their makeup. I told her she could pick anywhere to eat, thinking more of a sit down restaurant, but she wanted to eat at Taco Del Mar (similar to Moe's), and since the boys don't like that they ate at Target.
Then Kamryn wanted to go back to the house and Skype her friend back home. I wanted to try to find another cache but couldn't convince them to all go with me, so I dropped Ian and Kamryn off and Ryan decided to go with me. It was a different direction than we had been so far, a quite place, on someones private property. We hiked in found the cache easy enough though it hadn't been found since last October. On the way back Ryan couldn't resist going off the path to see how deep the patch of snow was. I was amazed to see the little growth coming up among all the brown.
I wanted to take some photos of Kamryn to see and have a reminder in years to come what she looked like at this age. This was one of the times she actually wanted to do this We needed to add some of the makeup she got for her birthday though. I'm not a big makeup person myself, but I think she looked pretty good when we were done. I'm sure she'll outgrow me doing her makeup real quickly.
She is changing so fast from the tomboy who was always with her brothers and their friends, doing everything they did, to a young lady into talking with her friends, experimenting with makeup, and actually kinda liking her curly hair. I think she is just a beautiful girl who is strong and beautiful inside and out.
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