Last year I found some old windows in a neighbors remodeling trash pile. In South Florida you rarely find old wooden window frames, they just rot away in the rain and sun here. So when I saw these I grabbed them. It stayed in the garage for a while, much to my husbands annoyance, before I had a brain storm one day. I had some shelves that I had found at local thrift stores, I thought they would be the perfect partners for my window frame. L-brackets and holes drilled into the frame attached the shelves to the window, and then the window to the wall studs so that it would be very secure. Now loaded up with my crafting supplies it sits next to the table where when I have some free time (which is very little these days) I can just reach out for what I need.
And see that little nail at the corner? My favorite number is on the nail that the railroads used to mark the dates they installed parts on the line. Why is it my favorite number?
My Grandfather Floyd was born on April 28th, his daughter (my Mom) was born on June 28th, I was born on Oct 28th, and my daughter was born on April 28th (also my Mother-In-Laws birthday). Four generations born on the 28th. Next time I'll have to let you know where the Dove Nest part of the blog name comes from.
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